On-Page SEO: A Complete Techniques 2020

 On Page SEO Techniques  Or  What is ON Page SEO

Getting organic traffic to your website can be a tough job. We all get those days when our SEO work is just not working. We try to be specific about our keywords, we tend to make sure the keywords we add are in the right place, but something else comes up and takes the ranking down with it.

Usually, the culprit is inaccurate on-page SEO. Your organic traffic will rely heavily on your on-page SEO and what you do about it. If your on-page SEO is not good, your whole website will suffer and subsequently, your online business will suffer.

If you are new to SEO or you want to boost your BigCommerce SEO, then here are some important on-page SEO factors that you must know about.


E-A-T is the holy grail of on-page SEO. The acronym stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. This is the framework that Google uses to take a look at content creators, their websites, and their webpages as a whole. Since Google's priority is to prefer high-quality, it will only favor those websites that create high-quality content. So, when you are developing your SEO strategy, you will have to consider your expertise, command authoritativeness on the topic, and build your trustworthiness with your audience.

Title Tag

The title tag or your HTML tag is there for a reason. The title tag can be seen in the head section of your webpage and gives cues to your readers as to what kind of content they can expect. It explains the subject matter and provides information in a couple of words. What you place in your title tag will help you boost your position in the Google ranking. While placing your keyword in the title track is a good strategy, adding duplicate, missing or badly written title tags can put Google off and make it harder to rank your page higher.

Meta Description

Meta Description is very important and it has remained so since the early days of SEO. Much like the title tag, the meta description will offer a description of what the readers can expect from the information added to the page. Since the meta description is visible underneath the title of the page in google searches, you should mention your keyword in the meta description if you want to rank higher.

SEO Writing is Important

SEO writing is crucial because it can gain the attention of the readers and Google at the same time. When you create content on your website, make sure you cater to both your audience and Google. Write quality content with rich keywords, but don't overwhelm the reader or Google. Write naturally and make sure that the reader gets information from the content you write. Always make sure the content you write will bring value to your website and the audience so that when Google crawls your website, it can see you are writing content for humans and not just to get Google's attention.


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